林肯路教会国语堂(教会异象:因圣经真理 · 得丰盛生命 · 以广传福音)
我们教会位于加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢市,是神在这个加拿大著名的大学城、科技城设立的面向所有中华儿女的属灵家园。 我们蒙神的呼召聚集在一起,成为耶稣基督的教会。我们秉承主耶稣的命令,尽心、尽意、尽力爱神,又爱人如己;我们相信圣经是神的话语。我们遵从耶稣基督赐下的使命,把基督拯救人类的好消息传给万民,并使万民作主的门徒。 我们欢迎一切相信基督耶稣救恩的弟兄姐妹,和所有真诚追求真理的同胞朋友,和我们一起来学习神的话语、更深认识救主基督耶稣,共同成长,一起经历神的慈爱和信实,一起同心建造合神心意的教会,让基督的救恩、永生的福分、更丰盛的、平安喜乐的生命能临到更多的同胞!
Brief History of Lincoln Road Chapel Mandarin Congregation
In 1993, God has called Nuke and Vie Shim, Navigator staff members, to start a Bible study at their home. Most of the attendees were visiting scholars from Mainland China.
1993年,神呼召福音机构‘导航会’的Nuke 和Vie Shim夫妇,开始在家中成立面向中国大陆访问学者的英语查经小组。
In 2000, for the spiritual growth of the new converts, Nuke introduced them to attend Lakeshore Bible Chapel, a church close to the universities.
In 2002, due to the growth of the church, Lakeshore Bible Chapel moved its location to Lincoln Road, thus the change in name to Lincoln Road Chapel.
In 2003, with the encouragement of the Leadership Team, Nuke started a monthly Mandarin fellowship at the church. This step was taken to encourage the Mandarin believers to fellowship in their mother tongue and with the hope that it will become a congregation.
从2003 年开始,在林肯路教会长老会的鼓励下,Nuke弟兄开始了在教会的每月一次的国语敬拜尝试。这是鼓励讲国语的信徒能够用他们的母语交流,并且希望最终可以成立一个国语教会。
Finally in 2008, with the growth of Mandarin believers, and God’s perfect timing a congregation was born. A full-time Mandarin pastor was hired to lead a weekly Sunday worship in Mandarin.