一· 我们相信独一的真神,由圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体构成,为自有永有的永存之神。
二· 我们相信耶稣基督是神旨意中拯救人类的救主。祂既是完全的神、又是完全的人,由圣灵感孕,为童贞女马利亚所生。祂是为所有罪人死在十字架上的义者,成为赎罪祭,叫一切信祂的人称义得永生。祂曾按圣经所记,从死里复活,如今坐在至高全能者的右边,并将要再来设立公义与平安的国度。
三· 我们相信圣灵是神的位格,奉差遣住在信徒心中,指引、教导、加力量给他们;又叫世人为罪、为义、为审判、自己责备自己。
四· 我们相信新旧约圣经原文全无错误,且是神逐字逐句所默示写成,为神救赎人类旨意的完整启示,也是神所定信仰与行为的唯一最高标准。
五· 我们相信人是照神的形象所造,因背叛神而堕落,导致灵魂与身体的死亡。每个人都有与生俱来的罪性,人的罪使他们与神的爱隔绝,唯一的救法是信靠主耶稣基督救赎大能。凡不悔改相信者,其结局就是黑暗中永远的痛苦沉沦,凡悔改相信者,必蒙受神完全的恩典。
六· 我们相信耶稣基督在十字架上为人类成就了救恩,叫一切悔改相信接受他的人,蒙圣灵重生,得到永生福分,成为神的儿女。
七· 我们相信神会亲自叫一切信他的人全然成圣,被圣灵充满,得着能力,过圣洁得胜的生活,从世界及罪恶中分别出来,献上自己,遵行神旨意,忠心事奉神,为神作美好见证。
八· 我们相信奉主的名祷告必蒙神垂听,通过祷告可以与神沟通,建立密切关系,并经历圣灵的工作和神奇妙的能力。
九· 我们相信教会是相信耶稣基督、蒙主宝血救赎、由圣灵重生之蒙召信徒所组成的群体。基督是教会唯一的元首,教会奉行主交付的使命,向万邦传扬福音。地方教会是基督徒聚会敬拜神,从圣经真理得蒙造就,同心祷告,彼此相爱,施行圣礼(即浸礼与圣餐),勇传福音的团体。
十· 我们相信义者和不义者都将会身体复活,前者复活得永生,与主同在美好的新天新地;后者复活定罪,进入地狱中永远沉沦。
十一· 我们相信主必再来,作王掌权,审判活人死人。主再来时间没有人知道,但必定是清晰可见的事实。主再来带给圣徒活泼的盼望,激励圣徒过忠心圣洁的生活。
(参照 宣道会联会 宣道会 信仰宣言 稍作修订 – 2019年8月)
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC)
Definition of Marriage:
We resolve that as a matter of belief, doctrine and religious practice, our congregation/denomination reserves the term “marriage” for the covenant relationship between one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.
Staff Participation in the Solemnization and Celebration of Marriage:
We resolve that members of our leadership, staff or clergy will be allowed to arrange for, officiate at or take part in the solemnization or celebration of a marriage only when it conforms to our denominational/congregational statement(s) on marriage.
Use of Facilities:
This congregation reserves the right to rent or allow use of these premises only by individuals or groups not incompatible with our goals, values and statements and for purposes which are not incompatible with our goals, values and statements.
(2019/11/6)林肯路教会是由英文堂和中文堂组成的主内文化融合的教会。以下的文件 由英文堂教牧同工起草,领导团队通过,作为全教会的指导原则。
Core Values (核心价值观)
Commitment to Truth: at Lincoln Road we want to be people who pursue truth in all things. We believe that God has a specific design for how life is to flourish and be fully lived out and because of this we appeal to His Word, both the pages of Scripture and the person of Jesus in all things. We desire to give space for questions and growth as we learn to be shaped by the message of Jesus and become part of the story God is telling to the world.
Authentic Community: Whether someone is just beginning to investigate Jesus or considering themselves fully committed to Him, we want to create an environment in which all people feel safe to explore, ask questions and are able to encounter Christ where they are right now. We celebrate the uniqueness of each person’s individual story while understanding that God is shaping us as a whole into a community of faith. We believe the Gospel provides hope in every aspect of life through God’s grace. We desire to be a place of safety and healing for people dealing with hurts, addictions and other difficulties in life’s journey through the support ministry of Celebrate Recovery.
真实可靠的教会生活:对无论是刚开始寻求基督救恩的人或是自觉对耶稣基督全然委身的人,我们要创造一个全然接纳的环境,让所有的人都感受到探索询问的自由,并能够在他们所处的信仰阶段遇到耶稣。我们尊重每个个体经历的独特性,并理解神正在做工带我们进入一个信仰团体(教会)。我们确信福音可以通过神的恩典在生命的所有方面带给人希望。我们愿意通过如同Celebration Recovery(CR)或其它支持事工,使教会对那些生命中深受伤害、陷于成瘾网罗和面对其它困难的人,成为一个安全和医治的地方。
Posture of Grace: We affirm that the life of faith is a journey. As we move towards Jesus in authenticity we recognize our brokenness and our need to be dependant on God. Life in community can be messy. We commit to coming alongside one another, wherever we are at, to extend the same grace and mercy we have received through Jesus as we aim to follow the kingdom way of peace and reconciliation with each other as far as it is possible.
Devotion to the Way of Jesus: We desire to devote our whole selves to the Way of Jesus, by giving the Holy Spirit freedom to speak and direct every part of our lives. Our hope is that as we are filled and led by the Spirit, He will shape us to be more like Jesus. Believing He is at the centre of our lives and worship, we practice communion weekly.
Engagement in Mission: We believe that the call to come together is in part a call to impact and influence the world around us. We believe that every follower of Jesus has been invited into the Mission of God. With the help and empowerment of the Spirit, we commit to live as signposts of His Kingdom, intentionally proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in our homes, neighbourhoods, workplaces and recreational spaces. We commit to pursuing justice, peace and restoration in our immediate contexts and beyond as an expression of that Kingdom.
Multi Cultural Diversity: Kitchener-Waterloo is a diverse place where people from many backgrounds are represented. Lincoln Road wants to embrace this diversity and create space for multi ethnic worship to be a part of who we are. We are currently one church which is comprised of a Mandarin Congregation and an English Congregation who shares a joint children and youth ministry.
多元文化的融合:Kitchener – Waterloo地区是许多不同文化背景的人居住的地方。 林肯路教会愿意包容这样的多样性,创造一个多元族裔群体共同敬拜神的地方。目前我们是由中文和英文两个语种在同一教堂分别敬拜的教会,我们分享共同的儿童/青少年事工。
Neighbourhood Community Focused: We meet in a unique building that lends itself for multipurpose use and desire to be good stewards of how God has blessed us. We aim to share our facility generously with other churches and ministries and with our community at large as a sports and training venue and for cultural and social support.
Core Practices(基本实践)
As people following the Way of Jesus, these are core practices we seek to incorporate into our personal lives while also encouraging them to be integrated into the ways that the ministries of Lincoln Road Chapel are carried out. (当人们效法基督,就需要有与个人生命结合的基本信仰实践指导。这种指导也鼓励人们的生命能与林肯路教会秉承的事工相符合)
Word – we believe that Scripture is the one of the primary ways God speaks to His people and so in all that we do we want to be shaped by God’s Word, seeking it as our source of wisdom for life as followers of Jesus.
神的话 – 我们相信圣经是神向祂的子民说话的根本方式,在我们所做的任何事情中我们都要遵循神的话语,寻求神的话语作为我们这些基督门徒的智慧源头。
Prayer – with so many voices in our culture we want to give God priority and space to speak into our lives. Through varied expressions of prayer, we enter into two-way communication with God as well as the transformational experience of His presence.
祷告 – 在充斥着各种杂音的末世文化中,我们愿意为神在我们的生命中说话预留优先的地位和空间。虽然祷告的表达方式有区别,我们都是进入与神双向沟通的美好境界,经历神同在中生命改变的真实。
Table and Hospitality – sitting at a table with others can be a sacred place where spiritual formation occurs. It is the place where we share not only food but life, allowing relationship to develop as we let others in and vice versa. We commit to regularly eating with others, to having tables that are wide open for others to come, connect and be blessed.
彼此款待 – 围桌而坐共享美餐是圣灵做工的神圣时刻,也是我们不仅分享食物也分享生命,建立彼此关系的地方。我们要做到经常与弟兄姊妹一同吃饭,特别是招待其他人来建立联系,蒙受祝福。
Generous Worship – worship is a full life response to who God is and what He has done. We believe that all that we have and are is a gift from God, and want to be people who generously give back our time, resources, talents and affection to Him. Our whole lives are given up as an offering of worship to declare His greatness.
慷慨的敬拜 – 敬拜不仅指主日崇拜,而是我们对神和神在我们身上成就的恩典的整全生命回应。我们深知我们所有的一切都是来自神的恩惠,因此我们愿意做向神慷慨奉献的人。我们愿意向神献上自己的时间、资源、恩赐、能力。我们也愿意将全人献上当作活祭来彰显神的荣耀。
Service and Mission – being called into full participation of the community of the people of God was never intended solely for our benefit, but is an invitation to carry out God’s mission in the world around us. We declare the Gospel in how we love and serve one another, but also want to make a habit of turning outward to others as an expression of what we have received in Jesus.
宣教的服事 – 蒙神呼召进入神的家、成为神的子民绝不仅仅是为了个人得世上的好处,而是接受神的邀请来承担向我们周围的世界传福音的使命。我们宣告基督的福音是关于我们如何彼此相爱和服事,同时更是要我们把从基督所得来的恩典向外传扬,传给尚未听到福音的人。
Sabbath – God’s design for the rhythm of life is to carve out one day a week for sabbath. This is time for rest, renewal and reflection, away from the regular busyness of life, as we rediscover who we are made to be in Him. While sabbath seems counterintuitive to a culture built on productivity we believe it enables a health and balance that leads us to flourish as humans. Sabbath is to slow down and savour the goodness of God’s creation, to subvert the tyranny of the world of “having to do” to rest in the reality of “what He has done.”
守安息日 – 神对生命节律的设计体现在创造了每周一天的安息日。这是一个休养生息、更新和反思的时间,是一个远离你日程繁忙的生活,重新领会在神的创造中我们是谁的时机。尽管安息日与强调高效率生产的文化大相径庭,我们确信神设立安息日的美好旨意是使我们有健康的平衡生活,让我们的生命有更旺盛的活力。安息日是使生命节奏减慢,享受神创造的美善,打破世界无休止做事的魔咒,安息在‘神已经成就’的事实中。